How it Works

At Landtern we follow Top-Down Property Identification Process

Every property on our platform goes through our extensive Top Down property identification process which use data analytics and local real estate experts.

4.Identify Markets

Using a wealth of data resources, our Data Science team has created predictive models and algorithms to identify strong investment markets today and in the future. They analyze over 50 data points on every market like job growth, multi-industry driven economy, and favorable rent-to-home value ratios.

3. Identify Neighborhoods

Next, we look for neighborhoods that off¬er favorable conditions that are attractive to potential renters. These factors include: median income level that is 3x rent, high occupancy rates, proximity to jobs, and quality schools.

2. Identify Builders

Next, we look for builders with good track record.

1. Identify Solid Investment Properties

Lastly, within the neighbourhoods we’ve identified we look for investment properties that have the potential to provide a solid return on investment. Some of the factors that lead to an ideal rentalproperty are right price, highly rentable, structurally sound, strong projected returns.